Brown Bag for Seniors

Hope for Seniors in Need
Our Brown Bag Program helps the most vulnerable seniors in our society – those with low incomes, homebound, disabled that live alone. TVW delivers 60 to 80 pounds of food and personal items to these seniors the third week of every month, so that they will have enough food to last until they receive their monthly funds.

For seniors who live alone and are home-bound, having a pet can reduce loneliness, depression and stress and even lower blood pressure. But, for low income seniors, the problem is feeding them. “Animeals” is a pet food for cats and dogs which is provided to the participants of the Brown Bag Program, so that the seniors do not have to share their own food with their furry friends.

You Can Help!
Please help us continue to bring food to low-income, homebound and disabled elderly Pasco residents. We are in need of non-perishable food items for example, low sugar cereals, low sodium soups, vegetables, canned meats and pet (cat and dog) food. Also, we can always use volunteers who are willing to deliver food to our Brown Bag recipients once a month.